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Hotel Bellevue     

The hotel relation to the surroundings is based on the void, the terrain and the terraces in the forest, which define the location of the additional public program. The extension of the existing hotel is designed as an extrusion of the stone base which is then adapted to the terrain. It consists of double-height volumes connected to each other in a terrace like fashion. 

existing state
extruding the public base of the hotel
adapting the
structure to the terrain
spreading the structure
The arrangement of volumes, terraces and atriums allows for a continuous public program which connects the three new depandances to the existing hotel, while simultaneously providing enough of daylight, connection to the surrounding nature, and framing the views to the Bohinj lake. These two-story volumes of the public space are then raised from the ground, allowing for the construction to be entirely out of wood and out of modular frames.

view of the hotel
view from the hotel
Year: 2018
Type: Renovation and Extension, Academic 
Program: Hotel
Location: Bohinjska Bistrica, Slovenia

The project was developed with Anton Vrecl.
Winning project in an international, interdisciplinary workshop for comprehensive transformation of the region with wooden constructions. Organized by proHolz Austria, in collaboration with Graz University of Technology, University of Ljubljana and University of Zagreb.

Photo: Tadej Bolta, Ljubljana, 2018